Robin Shure In Hairst

    robin shure in hairst

    chorus.—robin shure in hairst,

    i shure wi' him.

    fient a heuk had i,

    yet i stack by him.

    i gaed up to dunse,

    to warp a wab o' plaiden,

    at his daddie's yett,

    wha met me but robin:

    robin shure, &c.

    was na robin bauld,

    tho' i was a cotter,

    play'd me sic a trick,

    an' me the el'er's dochter!

    robin shure, &c.

    robin promis'd me

    a' my winter vittle;

    fient haet he had but three

    guse-feathers and a whittle!

    robin shure, &c.